October 30, 2016

UHNA Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2016

Attendees:  43
Guests:  Captain Steve Turner, IMPD; Lance Rector, IMPD; Pam Fox, Executive Director of Facilities UIndy; Jeff Miller, City Councilman; Allie Kast, Neighborhood Advocate; Scarlett Martin, Team Builder for Southside QOL Program; Eric Strickland; Judy Gray, Garfield Park Librarian; six nursing students from UIndy;  Dr. Laura Albright, UIndy; Sean Gorman, State Senate Candidate; Jack Sandlin, State Senate Candidate; Justin Moed, Indiana State Representative; Jason Fletcher, Candidate for Perry Township Board

I.               Call to Order.

II.             Captain Steve Turner, IMPD
a.    Contact Information:
Phone – 317-327-6315
District Front Desk – 317-327-6300
Non-Emergency number – 317-327-3811
Note – at night this number goes to the 911 switchboard, but is answered after emergency calls
b.    Concern reported about call to IMPD about large numbers of students (a couple hundred in packs of 40 to 50) wandering neighborhood, being loud after the first football game. Call made after the group appeared threatening to property.  A police vehicle responded, but did not have lights on and the policeman did not leave vehicle or interact with the students.
Capt. Turner stated that they cannot interact with groups, even apparently inebriated groups, unless there is clear evidence of threat of harm to self or others.  He recommended that we sit down with the University.
c.     Crime fighter of the year awards presented to Debby Doan and Ruth Soper.

III.           Gratitudes – Debby Doan
a.    UIndy for allowing use of the Stierwalt Alumni Building for UHNA meetings.
b.    Neighbors who attended the welcoming ceremony for the Greyhound Village
c.     Nigel Schoaff, Ruth Soper, Rich Weddle, Jerry Shephard, Rudy Osenbaugh, Lisa Green, Kristie Rudicle, Larry Taylor and all the vendors for making the National Night Out a success.
d.    Thanks to all who donated school supplies to School #65/
e.    Ruth Soper and Shirley Beuoy for being at the Welcoming Circle on the first day of school at School #65.
f.      Hunger, Inc. for their nice letter of appreciation
g.     Lauren Johnson for bringing new families to National Night Out.
h.    Everyone who attended the special parking meeting on August 25
i.      Jason Fletcher for bringing supplies into the meeting.
j.      Jim Pennell for introducing the political presentations

IV.           Minutes of the July meeting were approved without additions or corrections

V.             Officer Lance Rector IMPD – Introduced.  No questions forthcoming for him.

VI.           Ruth Soper – Update on Parking in neighborhood
a.    Review of procedures undertaken to date:
                                              i.     August 8 - Assessment of streets in neighborhood by the fire department.  Most streets are 24 feet or less wide – too narrow for passage of emergency vehicles with parking on both sides. 
                                            ii.     Recommended no parking on side of street with fire hydrants.
                                          iii.     Meeting with Director Miser of the Department of Public Works.
                                            iv.     Petition to City government recommended for one side of street only parking on streets specified by the fire department to codify the change.
                                              v.     UHNA held an emergency meeting on August 25, 2016 to determine neighborhood will.
                                            vi.     Proceeding with both the change based on the Fire Department recommendations and pursuit of petition to codify the changes through city government was approved without dissent at the August 25, 2016 meeting.
b.    Missing no parking signs on Otterbein and Bowman will be replaced
c.     Pam Fox, Executive Director of Facilities at UIndy
                                              i.     UIndy has created 100 more parking spaces on a gravel lot at the intersection of State and Hanna
                                            ii.     UIndy has obtained approval from the City of Indianapolis to put stone on the right of way around State and Castle and will stripe to create specific parking spaces to regulate parking on the street there.
d.    Question regarding creation of 2 handicap parking spaces on the old drive by the neighborhood park.  Based on the fact that this is private property, the University can create handicap parking spaces there without any city approval.

VII.         Volunteers needed for:
a.    Someone to drive golf cart in the Homecoming Parade.
b.    Someone to coordinate the Halloweenie Roast

VIII.       Jeff Miller – Report on current legislation
a.    The transit plan will be on the ballot in November.  He recommends voting for it.
b.    Budget
                                              i.     He supports the mayor’s plan
                                            ii.     The issue is how to piece together:
1.     Operational
2.     Capital – building and infrastructure
                                          iii.     There are 75 million in expiring bonds which need to be renewed
c.     Development of data centric way to assess neighborhoods, map it on line and to determine ownership of land.  Landlord registry law is now being enforced.
d.    Note that if land is owned by out of state owner and is being rented, there must be a local manager.
e.    Rapid Transit Referendum
                                              i.     Question will be on the ballot in November.
                                            ii.     Indianapolis currently has the 83rd largest bus fleet in the nation, the referendum will increase it to be the 65th largest bus fleet.
                                          iii.     Tax to support this does not apply to people on fixed income, only to earned income.  No tax on people who are below poverty level
                                            iv.     Information of this is available at Transitdrivesindy.com

IX.            Jeri Warner – Update on Tailgate Party
a.    Saturday October 22, 2016
b.    Tailgate party will be 4pm to 6 pm.  At 6 pm is the football game
c.     First 100 to register will receive free tickets to the game
d.    Need volunteer to assist Jeri with the activity presented by UHNA

X.              Scarlett Martin - QOL update
Final report being put together for the November meeting

XI.            Allie Kast – Neighborhood Advocate
a.    Introduced 4 new brochures available from the City:
                                              i.     Better Neighborhoods:  Environmental Services
                                            ii.     Department of Business and Neighborhood Services
                                          iii.     Indianapolis Animal Care Services
                                            iv.     Better Neighborhoods:  Inoperable and Abandoned Vehicles
b.    Asked for questions from group.  None were forthcoming

XII.          Jim Pennell – Community Park Cleanup
a.    Saturday, September 24 - 9 am to ll:30 am. Coffee will be provided for those who show up at 8:30 am
b.    Need volunteers to bring tools – rakes, shovels and wheelbarrows
c.     Jim is working on development of a reservation system for use of the park.

XIII.        UIndy Nursing Students – Requested volunteers to help improve the playground at School # 65 on October 15 and 16.

XIV.        Great Places 2020 – Jeri Warner, Eric Strickland, Scarlett Martin
a.    Garfield Park Neighborhood is in the running for the designation of “Great Places 2020”
b.    While this would not directly impact UHNA, it will have a peripheral benefit for UHNA if Garfield Park earns this designation.
c.     To assist with promotion of this designation for an adjacent neighborhood, UHNA needs to vote to sign on to recommendation.
d.    It was moved, seconded and passed without dissent that UHNA sign as a partnering organization

XV.          Judy Gray – Garfield Park Library  Introduced new Children’s Librarian - Jeanine Fox

XVI.        Political presentations
a.    Dr. Laura Albright of UIndy – “UIndy Votes” - The week of October 3 students will be going through the neighborhood to canvas neighbors about voter registration.
b.    Sean Gorman – Candidate for State Senate in District 36
c.     Jack Sandlin – Candidate for State Senate in District 36
d.    Justin Moed – Candidate for re-election to House of Representatives in District 97
e.    Jason Fletcher – Candidate for Perry Township Advisory Board


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