August 14, 2016

The following minutes were approved at our July meeting:

UHNA Meeting Minutes
May 17, 2016

Attendees:  33
Guests:  David Hampton, Deputy Mayor; Officer Weir, IMPD; Lisa Laflin, Interim Neighborhood Advocate; Scarlett Martin, Team Builder for Southside QOL Program; Jeff Miller, City Councilman; Caitlyn Stypa, Liaison from South East Community Services;  Judy Gray, Garfield Park Librarian

I.                Call to Order and Welcome:  Debby Doan, Co-Coordinator

II.              Gratitudes:
a.     Attendees
b.     John and Karen Barten’s donation of a website
c.     Jim Pennell and those who assisted with the Spring Cleanup of the park
d.     School #72 for hosting the QOL meetings
e.     Jim Pennell for printing  minutes and agendas
f.      Jim Pennell for creations and distribution of the neighborhood newsletters
g.     Mowing of the medians on Madison Avenue
h.     Installation of the flashing school speed signs
i.      Those who post the UHNA meeting notification signs
j.      Ruth for printing the agendas

III.            David Hampton- Deputy Mayor for public safety, international affairs and youth council, Senior Pastor of the Light of the World Church, Graduate of UINDY

a.     Noted the passing of Coach Bless (former Football Coach  at UINDY)
b.     Requested that neighborhood improvement ideas be given to Lisa Laflin and she will forward them to him
c.     Discussed the need to address the root causes of issues:
                                               i.     Crime prevention, recidivism rates, and re-entry to society.  Noted that 40% of the jail populace is mentally ill and needs treatment, however in jail they are not receiving treatment which leads to a recidivism rate of 46%.
                                             ii.     Causes of poverty and food insecurity – Work is necessary to go from food insecurity to food sustainability.  The Mayor wants to partner with those already doing good work
1.     90% of food related aid is from faith based institutions
2.     Need is not just grocery stores but a comprehensive and holistic approach including  neighborhood gardens
d.     Questions for the Deputy Mayor included:
                                               i.     Are there to be increases in beat police (both veteran and rookie)? – Yes, they are planned
                                             ii.     Will there be an increase in dispatchers? – No
                                            iii.     Will there be body cameras for the police?  -- No, there was a trial, but no funding at this time, not a priority
                                            iv.     Why is there heavy reliance on faith based institutions for mental health or food distribution and not making it a part of public policy?  --  Reliance will probably remain disproportionately with faith based institutions because there is a $60 million dollar deficit.  At this time 70% of school children are enrolled in free lunch programs/
                                              v.     Is it true that there is no school lunch program assistance for middle school children?  -- not true, school lunch assistance is available for middle school children
                                            vi.     How can we coordinate and work with the city to implement QOL recommendations? – He made a commitment to work with implementation of the QOL plan – He will get with Lisa Laflin in this effort.  It will not occur overnight but will work toward implementation.
                                           vii.     Is there a decrease in the number of liaisons? – The program is not reduced.  There are personnel changes with the change of administration.  There will still be 9 liaisons.
                                         viii.     What are the summer programs for youth?  What are funding options and activities? – The National Violence reduction conference had youth representation. 
1.     There is an increase in the numbers of young people at the mall with nowhere to go and nothing to do.
2.     Parents are dropping them off and leaving them unsupervised.  The parents must be held accountable for the youth.
3.     There are summer jobs, but there are a shortage of applicants in parks and swimming pools
                                             ix.     Statement made that there is a lack of advertising of available jobs in the parks on the south side. – He will go back to the directors to be sure the south side youth are on their radar.

IV.            Officer Weir, IMPD   Introduced self and asked for questions:
a.     Report of an incident on Lawrence and Otterbein where “roof inspectors” invaded a house.  The question was how can we find what the follow up was on this incident? – Follow up can be done on line or through a call to Leah Weidner at the Fountain Square Office.

V.              Lisa Laflin – Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocate, the interim Neighborhood Advocate
a.     Introduced self and stated that she anticipates a new representative for our area will be hired on June 1.  She will inform of the new advisor of the area’s situation and needs
b.     Follow up on report by Officer Weir:  On line go to Maps.Indy.Gov and select application for public safety.  Must know address of the crime. 
c.     This site has multiple layers and will noon have a layer showing abandoned houses.  There are over 3,300abandoned houses and more than 20 thousand rentals.
d.     Questions:
                                               i.     Are there maps which indicate abandoned houses in our area?  There are many and it will be difficult to zoom in on an individual house.
                                             ii.     What should be done to report overgrown lawns, maintenance issues and abandoned houses?   -- Report to the Mayor’s action center.  Once reported the owner will be notified of the needed repairs/maintenance and be given time to address the issues.  If they do not, the city will hire private contractors to do the work at the owner’s expense.  If the neighbor chooses to do the repairs/maintenance themselves, they can do so without worry about being prosecuted for unauthorized entry on the property. 
                                            iii.     There is an abandoned building at Hanna and Shelby of the Southwest corner.  There is a truck filled with trash at an abandoned house on the corner of Markwood and Madison. --  Call the Mayor’s Action Center.
                                            iv.     Is there anything that can be done about the hole by the closed former Village Pantry at Carson and Hanna? –The work is either to create or dismantle the gas station.  Lisa will look into it and report back.
                                              v.     Can flashing school zone signs be installed on Asbury for School 65?  Drivers use Asbury to avoid the lower speed limit on Hanna.  They forget about the school zone for School 65.  -- Lisa states the signs are coming in multiple phases from a federal grant.  She will look into where School 65 is on the list.

VI.            Meeting Minutes for the March meeting were presented.  They were approved as distributed.

VII.           Jeri Warner was introduced and presented for election as Co-Coordinator.  She has lived in University Heights for 2 years and on the South Side for 20 years.   She was elected without dissention.

VIII.         Ruth Soper presented results of survey taken at the March meeting:

a.     48 responses were received.  The results were evaluated by concern and counted.
Number of votes                                    Problem
20                                                      Public safety:  Parking, Increased police patrols, crack down on party
                                                      Houses, Slow traffic, neighborhood watch, better street lighting, less
                                                      Neighborhood parking around the Health Pavilion
13                                                      Creating community
8                                                      Beautification of the neighborhood
5                                                      Streets and Alleys
2                                                      Business Development

Since parking around the Health Pavilion received the greatest number of votes, it is being pursued first.

1.     Ruth spoke to Lisa Laflin and Jeff Miller and DPW regarding assessment for no parking signs on one side of some of the streets in the neighborhood.  It was done in 2013 and is due again.
2.     Parking on certain streets with no curbs is causing issues with mud and disturbance of grass.  Working with Pam Foxx on the parking by University property
3.     Parking by private homes on streets with no curbs – the streets are public right of way for 10 feet from the center of the street
4.     Limiting parking to one side of the street could cause issues with neighborhood parking further from the Health Pavilion.

IX.            Jim Pennell reported on the neighborhood park:
a.     On May 22 Beech Grove High School Students and on May 23 neighbors and UINDY students worked on park maintenance
b.     On July 9 additional work on the park is scheduled.  Need neighbors to help.  The shelter needs to be sealed.
c.     There is a fall park clean up to be scheduled later.
d.     Decisions need to be made about park use and how to obtain permission to use park
e.     Tree watering – need 8 teams of 2 to take responsibility for plant and tree watering.  Each team will be responsible for 2 weeks.
f.      Volunteers can email Jim Pennell at
g.     17 of the trees now old enough that they do not require watering.  They will be marked.

X.              Karen and John Barten report
a.     Website is now active – UHeights.US
b.     Facebook and Twitter are accessed by – UHeightsNA look for logo and city flag
c.     Next Door – the best way to access is on a mobile app

XI.            Scarlett Martin – Team Builder for Southside QOL Program
a.     At least one University Heights representative on each action team
b.     Meetings are every 4th Tuesday at School 72
c.     About 30 presenters from local businesses/organizations are scheduled to come to sessions.  There will QA sessions.

XII.           Jeff Miller – City Councilman  Report on issues under discussion
a.     Mass Transit Referendum – Tax vote in fall (Impact  .25% of annual income; therefore annual income of $40,000 would bring a tax to $100)
b.     Drone ordinance – Use in public spaces must have a waiver.  Cannot stop flying over residential areas
c.     Diversity funds – funding to increase diversity in IMPD is being discussed
d.     Arts – Public Arts funding is available to businesses
e.     Cat ordinance – limits number of cats per household/ feral cats/and cat colonies
f.      Blue Indy – Franchise discussion.  Use of public space at no cost, but in future will net payments to the city
g.     Street lights – coming in 30 days – 100 new lights and changing some existing lights to LED lights.  Location list coming

XIII.         Caitlyn Stypa – Liaison from South East Community Services – Youth Program Coordinator in Fountain  Square located at 901 Shelby street
a.     Career Pathways – 3 week program for adults to prepare them for work
b.     Job Fair on May 19 in Beech Grove
c.     HSE – High School Equivalency program available at this location
d.     Website:
e.     Language training – focus on Spanish and English
f.      Summer Camp – for 10 to 15 year olds – will have 25 spaces total

XIV.         Judy Gray – Garfield Park Librarian
a.     Garfield Park Summer Reading Program is beginning
b.     Need new Children’s Librarian

XV.           Announcements
a.     WOW cards are available from Debbie
b.     Fireworks – please be considerate of neighbors and especially veterans.  Limit to July 4
c.     INHP provides help for veterans needing assistance with home repair
d.     Farmers markets are available on Saturdays at Garfield Park and Southport
e.     “Lodge Coffee” – Indiana Christian Fellowship is looking for funding.  Hope to have a “Later in the day Coffee Shop”

XVI.         Carson Heights Neighborhood Association – third meeting will take place this month.  The meetings are the last Wednesday of the month at 7 pm.  Meetings are held at 1532 Standish in the church.

XVII.        Lauren Johnson, Principal School 65
a.     End of term activities list distributed.  Neighbors welcome to attend
b.     Grants – Coming to the end of a 3 year Grant.  She is looking for others

XVIII.      David Wantz – UINDY – Bowling Alley on Shelby.  Potential new owner is seeking rezoning for C-7 retail.  He would like to develop as a restaurant, coffee shop, possibly obtain a liquor license.  He feels this would be an asset to the neighborhood and campus.

XIX.         4 houses on Bowman are for sale.  Assistance requested in finding private owners to purchase them to help prevent additional houses becoming rentals.

XX.           Thanks to Ruth Soper for completion of a second term as Co-Coordinator.

Next meeting is scheduled for July 19


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