May 29, 2011

University Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
In attendance: 31 neighbors and additional guests from the university and contracted firms (see under #3 below, also Nancy Collins from UIndy Community Relations).
1. Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and approved.
2. Election
Ruth Soper noted the election announcement in the newsletter. Matt Jones, candidate for co-coordinator, introduced himself. Jim Pennell gave a testimonial in support. Moved and seconded to elect Matt. Unanimous in favor.

From UHNA Secretary, Jim Pennell...
Hi Neighbors!
Please find attached the minutes from the May 17th meeting where the university presented its rezoning plans to the neighborhood. The minutes are rather long, but I wanted to make sure we captured as much of the question-answer discussion as possible for those who weren't there, as well as for some of us whose memories may not be what they once were.
Since we took so much time with this issue at our meeting and also had an election, I wasn't able to thank everyone who participated in the UHNA-Keep Indianapolis Beautiful tree planting.

May 11, 2011

From your UHNA Co-coordinators, Ruth Soper and Angela Lord:
Hi neighbors,
You have probably noticed the orange public hearing signs around the neighborhood. University Heights Neighborhood Association (UHNA) is in discussions with UIndy about proposed zoning changes in our neighborhood. Please plan to attend our upcoming UHNA meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7 PM at the Stierwalt Alumni House (corner of Otterbein and Windermire) to get more information about these changes. A presentation will be given by UIndy representatives. They will also be able to answer questions and address concerns.
Review/Approve minutes of March 15 mtg. 5 min
Elect new Co-coordinator for UHNA 10 min
UIndy presentation about rezoning 30 min
Neighborhood discussion 20-30 min

Ruth Soper and Angela Lord