1. Review/approve minutes of January mtg. 5 min 2. UIndy student project - Ashley Roy 10-15 min 3. Mayor's Liaison update - Gary Loveless 10 min 4. Nominations for May Election of Co-Coord. and Secy. 10 min 5. KIB tree planting update, May 14, 2011 5 min 6. KIB Great Indy Clean-up, April 5 min 7. Neighborhood questions or concerns 5 min Reminders: 1. Garden plots available at University Heights UM Church. Contact Ken or Georgia Hottell at 317-787-1286.
2. Student misconduct in the neighborhood. Contact the IMPD non-emergency number at 317-327-3811 and Kory Vitangeli, UIndy Dean of Students, at 317-788-3495 or kvitangeli@uindy.edu . 3. Meetings for 2011, 7-8 pm: May 17, July 19, September 20, November 15
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