From: Phil Hunter, Hannah Avenue Project Supervisor....
Improving the Neighborhood
Hi neighbors, You have probably noticed the orange public hearing signs around the neighborhood. University Heights Neighborhood Association (UHNA) is in discussions with UIndy about proposed zoning changes in our neighborhood. Please plan to attend our upcoming UHNA meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7 PM at the Stierwalt Alumni House (corner of Otterbein and Windermire) to get more information about these changes. A presentation will be given by UIndy representatives. They will also be able to answer questions and address concerns. Agenda: Review/Approve minutes of March 15 mtg. 5 min Elect new Co-coordinator for UHNA 10 min UIndy presentation about rezoning 30 min Neighborhood discussion 20-30 min Ruth Soper and Angela Lord |
The Marion County Prosecutor’s Intake Program has moved to the Southwest District. Please read the attached flyer and check out what they have to offer. An Open House will be Monday, April 11, from 11 am - 1 pm. Come and visit Southwest District next Monday and talk to members of the prosecutor’s office. Just another way to assist our community. Thank you.
Lori L. Demaree
Sergeant Community Relations
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department
Department of Public Safety
551 N. King Avenue, Room 236
Indianapolis, IN 46222
Office (317) 327-6436
Fax (317) 327-6490
Police - Fire - Homeland Security - Animal Care and Control
INDIANAPOLIS – Today, 19 Department of Public Works (DPW) crews are concentrating on the large potholes that could potentially cause property damage. Once the rain subsides and the streets are dry, DPW will continue to repair potholes on the main thoroughfares and the private contractors will continue to fill the potholes in the residential areas.
The crews are using hot asphalt—this results in a more permanent solution to the pothole repair process. Regional paving contractor Rieth-Riley opened its two asphalt plants on Monday, earlier than usual at the City’s request to have access to the hot asphalt. It’s been a diligent effort with DPW crews completing almost 800 pothole service requests on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The number of potholes represented by each service request can vary from one to a dozen.
Residents and commuters are encouraged to let the City know when they spot a pothole. To report a pothole, please visit
www.indy.gov/pothole. Potholes can also be reported by calling the Mayor’s Action Center at 327-4MAC.
For Immediate Release
February 25, 2011
From the Office of:
Jeff Cardwell, Councillor – District 23
Chairman, Economic Development
City of Indianapolis | Marion County
Office: 317.781.4769
WHO: Councillor Jeff Cardwell, District 23
Councillor Susie Day, District 20
Councillor Jack Sandlin, District 24
WHAT: Town Hall Meeting
WHERE: Perry Township Government Center
4925 S. Shelby Street
Indianapolis, Indiana
WHEN: Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at 1 p.m.