Please help with the University Heights Neighborhood Association/Keep Indianapolis Beautiful tree planting Saturday, May 15th, 8:30AM-Noon.
Meet at David and Jennifer Wiese’s side yard, Otterbein and Edwards, at 8:30 AM for registration. Coffee and donuts will be provided by UIndy Community Relations.
Let Jim Pennell know if you will be volunteering at jpennell@uindy.edu, or 782-2543, if you did not sign up at the last meeting. Please DO NOT bring your own tools. These will be provided by KIB. You can bring your own work gloves if you want. KIB will also provide gloves.
We hope to have additional tree plantings and one thing KIB considers is neighborhood participation. So please help us take what is hopefully our first step at beautifying our neighborhood as part of KIB’s NeighborWoods program.
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