May 6, 2010

UHNA Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2010

19 in attendance

1. Meeting minutes approved.

2. Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Explained some aspects of the utilities sale to Citizen’s Gas.
Central Indiana Coalition for Aging (CICOA): Can get information online to learn about assistance for senior citizens (

Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District: Rain gardens. Native Indiana plants to soak up water. Have plants for sail, rain barrels. Passed out brochures.

Presentation on homelessness at IUPUI Friday, May 7th, 6:30-9:00PM.

Going to be doing energy efficiency work at the City County Building.

Complaints about tree trimming. Perhaps they should take some trees down rather than trimming trees so poorly that they die or look very bad.

Problem of abandoned houses. Properties can go on the mowing list if grass is a foot tall. Then it is cut every 28 days by the city. House on Castle has trees 6 or 7 feet tall. Need to provide him or Mayor’s Action Center an address.

New trash bins will be picked up where trash is currently picked up.

Questions about Health and Hospital corporation and SEND.

2. Nominations and presentation for co-coordinators

One coordinator elected for one year. One for two years.

Angela Lord for co-coordinator was nominated. Would like to see more neighbors involved, coordinate activities and committees, and whatever the neighborhood wants.

Ruth Soper nominated for one year. Has lived here since 1976. Was involved in the 1990s. Interested in keeping our neighborhood growing and attracting young families, having an intergenerational neighborhood. Went to University of Indianapolis, and is invested in this neighborhood. Wants to attract and keep good neighbors, maintain a good connection with the university.

Residents must be present to vote. Will pass out flyers announcing the meeting.

3. Current Project Updates

KIB Tree Planting: Jim Pennell went over the May 15th tree planting. See attached handout.

Neighborhood Garage Sale: Dates that would be bad? May 1st. July 4th. Committee will suggest dates.

Neighborhood Park: Assistant Professor Kevin McKelvey wrote an internal grant proposal that was funded to help plan the park. We need a fully developed plan to take to the UIndy Board of Trustees.

Can the property be used now by neighbors for cookouts? David Wantz said yes, let him know so he can let the university police know.

4. Kelly Sikora suggested a permaculture design as an approach.

5. David Taylor was introduced. Is the current Perry Township constable and is running for the position again.

6. Possible future projects

Alley Resurfacing: Ruth asked Gary Loveless and he said most resources are going to Center Township. Could use the Mayor’s Action Center and call with requests. The more who call, the more likely they will pay attention.

Neighborhood Crime Watch: David Taylor volunteered to find out about Crime Watch. Diana Faris will follow up with him.

Karen Barten will take over the website for the neighborhood from Greg Filter. Bob Burchfield at UIndy will help her.

Frequency of future meetings: Jim suggested discussing the summer at the May meeting, and maybe the fall. Perhaps we don’t need to meet over the summer. Diana agreed that we probably don’t need to meet every month

David Wantz announced the new UIndy dome.

The Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership is going to have a “block party” home ownership workshop June 26th. It won’t be just about buying houses, but staying in them. They have a new documentary out.

Question about certified housing David had talked about earlier. University is still investigating this, but there seems to be some interest in it.

Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell.


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